Andrew Robert Eustace Band

We are really pleased to welcome a late addition to the line up, the fabulous Andrew Robert Eustace Band


FRIDAY 27th AUGUST DOORS OPEN 5:00pm 5:30pm – 7:00pm Dawson Smith & The Dissenters7:30pm – 8:30pm Chris Bevington Organisation9:00pm – 11:00pm TBA – Rory Gallagher Tribute

Q&A plus book signing

Rory Gallagher Festival UK Nantwich – NEWSWe are delighted to announce that Julian Vignoles will be doing a Q&A, and book signing session on the Saturday

The Jokers

I am pleased to announce that ‘The Jokers’ will be appearing at the festival, this is great news as we sadly lost 61 Ghosts to COVID Restrictions

61 Ghosts

I am sad to announce that the fabulous ’61 Ghosts’ have had to cancel their appearance at the festival due to COVID Restrictions regarding travel to the UK from USA.

Delta Fuse

We are delighted to announce that Delta Fuse will be appearing at the festival on the Sunday.

Chris Bevington Organisation

We are delighted to announce that Chris Bevington Organisation will be appearing at the festival on the Friday.

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